Explore the links below to learn more about our programs and projects.
The rivers and streams of Eagle County face threats of many kinds. They include development and pollution to climate change and drought.
Protecting the high-quality natural, scenic and economic values that they provide is critical for our community and an integral part of our mission.
The Eagle River Coalition acts as the voice of our rivers and streams. We do this through a variety of methods to protect our watershed from threats.
The Eagle River Community Water Plan is a long-range planning document (Stream Management Plan) that provides a roadmap for our community to mitigate undesirable future conditions. This was established after years of stakeholder engagement and watershed modeling. Learn about the Eagle River Community Water Plan here.
As issues and policies that affect our rivers emerge, we draft articles and letters to our local news outlets. As such, this allows us to join the conversation and educate the public. Our submissions share science, policy and local concerns, so that our community can draw their own conclusions on the issues. This can mobilize our community to add their voices and participate in issues that affect us all.
Acting as a referral agent for Eagle County and municipalities, we review land use applications. This includes proposals for new planned urban developments. By providing feedback on stormwater runoff, set backs, landscaping, riparian and aquatic habitat and referring to the master plans and codes for each community, we ensure the river has a voice in the discussion. Additionally, it ensures that best practices are being followed and that new development is consistent with the desires already expressed and accepted by the community.