Colorado River District’s ballot question 7A passed handily in the 15-county region where it was on the ballot. More specifically, 75% of Eagle County voters said yes to 7A.
Thank you for your support of rivers on the Western Slope. The River District will use these funds to keep water on the Western Slope and protect water supplies for our farmers and ranchers, as well as drinking water for our communities. Additionally, this Western Slope water protects fish, wildlife and recreation by maintaining streamflows and water quality — all of which protects our local economy. Thank you, Eagle County, for voting yes on 7A. We look forward to our continued work with the Colorado River District for many years to come.
During this politically-divided election, the outcome of 7A clearly displayed that, despite political affiliation, the Western Slope cares about our rivers and our water. The river means different things to different people, but it always prevails, sustains life (human and wildlife) and has the power to connect.