Tamarisk Mitigation Project to Take Place Mid-May The tamarisk is an aggressive invasive plant that out-competes native vegetation, contributing to a number of negative impacts to riparian ecosystems. Consuming a large quantity of water annually and spreading viciously, tamarisk plants choke out native vegetation, affect resource availability, create a largely…
The natural freeze-thaw cycle associated with the warming temperatures last week caused a pipeline fitting to leak, resulting in a spill of Eagle Mine-impacted water. The leak, located at the south end of Rex Flats, has been stopped. A total of 36,000 gallons of water is estimated to have been…
This scholarship is for a graduating senior who will be attending an accredited university, community college or vocational education program in the United States and plans to get a degree in the field of natural resources, environmental science or a related field. Any senior who meets the qualifications is eligible…