Your Sips Support Rivers at Eagle River Whisky When you visit Eagle River Whisky‘s tasting room in Minturn or sip their “Scottish inspired, mountain made” adult beverages, you support the Watershed Council. The owners of the new establishment donate 1% of each sale to support the Eagle River Watershed Council….
Jessica DiToro Board of Directors, Eagle River Watershed Council Resident of Eagle This December 6th is the 13th Colorado Gives day, since its inception in 2010. On this day, Coloradans from across the state come together to support the nonprofits that make a difference in their lives. For me,…
Peter Wadden Vice President of ERWC Board of Directors Gypsum, CO The holidays are a time for reflecting on the year that has passed and giving thanks for what we enjoyed and experienced. This year was a tough one for many of us as we faced uncertainties related to…
Rose Sandell is Eagle River Watershed Council’s education and outreach coordinator. She coordinated the Fourth Annual Eagle River Water Festival, a day of learning dedicated to Eagle County’s 420+ 5th-graders. The Fourth Annual Eagle River Water Festival, Eagle River Watershed Council’s largest education event for youth, saw 100 more participants…
National Forest Foundation Awards Funding to Local Conservation Nonprofit Eagle River Watershed Council to Collaborate on Project in Homestake Valley Photo: Eagle River Watershed Council As part of its work to improve aquatic ecosystems in the Eagle Valley watershed, Eagle River Watershed Council will oversee the replacement of the undersized…