Board & Staff

Now known as the Eagle River Coalition, but previously Eagle River Watershed Council, our organization was incorporated in 2004. This occurred following the recommendations of the Eagle River Watershed Plan, which Eagle County had adopted after a three-year public process with over 100 local citizens working with municipal and county staff. It recommended that a citizen’s group be formally established to implement and monitor the plan. A number of groups and individuals committed to the health of the Eagle River formed the basic starting committee system from which the organization emerged.


Today, the Eagle River Coalition is an organization committed to its mission through staff work, which is overseen by an engaged board of directors. If you wish to learn more about what membership on the board of directors means, or to attend a meeting, please contact

Board of Directors

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Pete Wadden

Pete Wadden


Pete is the Watershed Education Coordinator for Town of Vail. Previously, he was Stewardship Coordinator at Walking Mountains Science Center and an Environmental Science instructor at Colorado Mountain College. Pete is a graduate of Prescott College (MA) and Bowdoin College (BA). He’s an avid rafter, kayaker, angler, hunter, backcountry skier, dog dad and lover of water in all its forms.

Gary Brooks

Gary Brooks

Vice President

Gary Brooks is the owner of Cutthroat Consulting, LLC working on a variety of community housing projects in the Eagle River Valley. He is a past president of the Eagle River Watershed Council, a current board member of the ECO Trails Committee and sits on the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority Advisory Committee. When he’s not sitting through board meetings, you can find him flyfishing the local waters, heading off to go bird hunting with his two Springer Spaniels or working in his backyard vegetable garden with his wife Linn.

Jessica DiToro

Jessica DiToro


Born and raised in Vermont, Jessica moved to Colorado in 2013 to pursue her graduate degree in environmental engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. After graduating she began working at LRE Water. At LRE, Jessica manages projects that encompass a broad range of topics related to environmental compliance and permitting including Colorado Water Quality Control Commission rulemaking hearings, wastewater treatment discharge permits, National Environmental Policy Act, CERCLA (superfund), 303(d) Listings, water quality sampling and data analysis, and water supply resource planning. Jessica and her partner moved to the Town of Eagle in 2020, where she works remotely when not commuting to the LRE office in Glenwood Springs. Jessica is an avid hiker, backcountry and alpine skier, biker, CrossFitter, reader, and dog mom.

Rose Delles

Rose Delles


Rose Delles is a Senior Manager at Walking Mountains Science Center. She has worked for a variety of nonprofits, foundations and outdoor education centers throughout Washington and Montana. Happy to be settled in her home state of Colorado you can find her fly fishing, hiking in the high alpine, skiing with friends or adventuring with her pup.

Michael Browning

Michael Browning


Mike Browning is a retired Colorado water attorney who now lives in Vail. A mountain lover, he has climbed all the Colorado 14’ers, the Seven Summits, and over 500 other peaks around the world. He also serves on the Boards of the Eagle Summit Wilderness Alliance and Wilderness Watch and remains an avid hiker, skier, rafter, and adventure traveler.

Staunton Golding

Staunton Golding


Staunton is co-founder and CEO of MBHE Holdings LLC, a diversified holding company. Prior to creating MBHE, Staunton led all acquisitions, development, capital formation, and growth initiatives as EVP and a Director of Sage Hospitality Resources, a national hotel investment, management and development company. Staunton has significant experience in building asset based operating companies, real estate related service companies, and hospitality focused platforms. Staunton has served on numerous corporate and non-profit boards over the past 25 years. He spends his free time mostly outdoors enjoying fly fishing, hunting, skiing, hiking, snow shoeing and chopping wood.

Robyn Janssen

Robyn Janssen


Robyn Janssen is a Communications Specialist with Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. She spent 10 years directing a successful river advocacy non-profit in Oregon and has been a guide on the Colorado River through Grand Canyon (and on other western rivers), for 26 years. On and around rivers is where she’s happiest and working to protect them is her calling. As an Oregon native, she is happy to be settled in the Rockies near her sister, niece, and river family of friends.

Lizzy Owens

Lizzy Owens


Lizzy Owens moved to Eagle County from the Washington, DC area with her husband, two daughters, and dog in 2018. She has been in fundraising and development for about fifteen years; locally, she worked at Mountain Recreation Metropolitan District and Walking Mountains Science Center. Lizzy serves on the Town of Eagle Open Space and Recreation Advisory Committee, the Town of Eagle Marketing & Events Committee, and is a board member for The Literacy Project. Lizzy is a graduate of Smith College (BA) and the University of Manchester, England (MA). Hiking, skiing, and walking along our local rivers and creeks are among her favorite activities (but reading is her absolute favorite thing to do).

Matt Ratner

Matt Ratner


Matt is an independent film producer and director.  He most recently produced HEIGHTENED and WE BROKE UP, and directed STANDING UP, FALLING DOWN starring Billy Crystal and Ben Schwartz. He currently serves as a board member of both the Jewish Democratic Council of America and Conservancy Guardians USA. Prior to his work in the film industry he worked in politics and government, most recently at the National Security Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. He graduated from Northwestern University and is a long-suffering Cleveland sports fan. He loves rivers.

Peter Suneson

Peter Suneson


Peter Suneson is a career environmental educator and lifelong steward of our natural
resources. Since arriving in the Eagle River Valley in 2014, Suneson has spent his time working
to protect our mountain ecosystems and effectively managing public lands.

Sunseon is a Certified Interpretive Guide and a Leave No Trace Master Educator and currently
works for Eagle County Open Space and Natural Resources program. In this capacity he
manages the Open Space program, overseeing roughly 3,500 acres of dedicated open space
and managing a 1-1.5 million dollar operating budget. This work has him managing projects
such as the Brush Creek LTPBR, commercial outfitter permitting program, and the 800 acre
agricultural lease on the Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space. Suneson also serves on
the executive committee of the Colorado Open Space Alliance where he engages with open
space and conservation professionals from around the state to learn best management
practices and other nuances of public lands’ management.

Originally from the flats of Oklahoma and the banks of the S. Canadian River, Suneson has a
BA in Environmental Studies from Skidmore College and an MS in Environmental Studies from
the University of Montana. His graduate thesis was titled “Environmental Education through
Ecological Restoration” and was a comprehensive, constructivist curriculum using ecological
restoration as the consistent theme. In Missoula, Suneson worked for the Clark Fork Watershed
Education Program (CFWEP) and volunteered with the Watershed Education Network, which
was an organization founded to monitor superfund reclamation resulting from the Milltown Dam

In between college stints, Suneson worked as a naturalist on the tallgrass prairies of Illinois for
the Forest Preserve District of Cook County.

Peter is excited to join the Eagle River Coalition to continue to foster his lifelong environmental
stewardship priorities as well as lend his project-based expertise to ERC staff. Specifically Peter
looks forward to helping activate the Eagle River Community Water Plan and engaging with staff on projects.

Martha Tyler

Martha Tyler


Martha Tyler, BSN, MPH, is a retired registered nurse and licensed massage therapist, and holds a Master’s Degree in public health. Martha is a certified Integral Hatha Yoga teacher, a certified mindfulness meditation teacher, and an avid hiker, swimmer, back country skier, snowshoer, and paddler. She moved to Eagle from Richmond, VA in 2020 and is grateful for living in this remarkably beautiful place, and even more grateful for her two little grandchildren in Eagle, who are a constant source of joy.




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Vicki Flynn

Vicki Flynn

Executive Director

Vicki has 20 years of nonprofit experience in fundraising and nonprofit management. She has worked at the Vail Valley Foundation, Can Do MS and most recently at The Cycle Effect. Vicki loves to spend time with her family outside enjoying all that Colorado has to offer. In the summer you will find her hiking and biking on the trails or floating on the river with her family. She also is an avid yogi, and recently became a certified yoga teacher.

Seth Mason

Seth Mason

Contractor for Water Resource Programs

Hydrologist; Environmental Data Manager; Principal, Lotic Hydrological, LLC; M.S. in Land Resources & Environmental Sciences. Expertise in physical hydrology, hydrologic modeling, solute transport, GIS, environmental data management, remote environmental data collection system deployment and maintenance.

Peder Franson

Peder Franson

Watershed Restoration Manager

Peder grew up in Byfield, Massachusetts, and has fond memories of exploring the Great Salt Marsh during New England summers and surfing the rocky beaches of New Hampshire. He attended the University of North Carolina Wilmington, where he majored in physics. He then went on to receive a Masters of Engineering in environmental engineering from the University of New Hampshire. During his years at college, his path began as a desire to make sense of the system and mechanics of nature. This quickly developed into a passion for facilitating and designing environmental restoration projects within the scope of water resources. In his role as watershed restoration manager, Peder analyzes and implements the recommended actions that are included in the Eagle River Community Water Plan. He enjoys experiencing the landscapes within the Eagle River and Upper Colorado River watersheds with his partner Mags.

Melanie Smith

Melanie Smith

Development Director, Eagle River Fund Manager

Melanie was raised on a lake in Minnesota, and after graduating from Luther College in Decorah, IA, with a degree in political science and environmental studies, she moved to the Eagle Valley, a dream of hers since the age of four. Though she grew up in the land of lakes, she’s enjoyed learning about rivers and streams from her fishing guide husband, as the Eagle River Coalition’s Director of Development, and as Operations Manager of the Eagle River Fund. Melanie obtained the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) status in 2023, rents a house in Minturn with her husband and cat Marvin, and loves to garden, read, write and explore the trails of this valley

Rose Sandell

Rose Sandell

Community Engagement Manager

Rose grew up in Eagle, CO, with fond memories of exploring the mountains and waters through rafting, hiking, running and skiing. She attended St Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota where she majored in Environmental Studies and Political Science. During her years at St Olaf she solidified her passion for preserving natural landscapes and during an experiential study abroad trip in New Zealand/Australia she found a love for education through outdoor exploration and education. Shortly after graduation, she became a Lead Instructor for Montana Outdoor Science School, before deciding that Colorado was where she was meant to be. She is excited to continue to work with the local community to educate and advocate for the Eagle River Watershed.



Emeritus Board Members

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Advisory Board

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