The Eagle River, its tributaries and streams and the 55 miles of the Colorado River that runs through Eagle County are directly related to our economic wealth. A healthy watershed means a strong tourism economy, the main driver in our area. And it’s not only about the money. The water…
EAGLE COUNTY — Take it in today, for local roads never look better than they do the day after the Eagle River Watershed Council Community Pride Highway Cleanup. Nearly 975 volunteers signed up for the event this year, or about 1.8 percent of the county’s 53,600 residents. With a large…
EAGLE COUNTY — The Eagle River has made quite a comeback since the days when it was so polluted that fish couldn’t survive in parts of it. Looking forward, though, a cleanup of a different sort will soon be in order if things don’t change along the riparian area at…
As enjoyers of our aquatic playgrounds in the summertime, most of us that fish and boat are aware that human activity has impacts. We’re probably less conscious that our own recreation practices may be leaving a mark. Invasive pests known as aquatic nuisance species are a growing threat to our…
October 31, 2016 With the arrival of fall colors, wildfire season in the West is on the retreat. It’s important to look back on the toll these fires have taken on Colorado’s watersheds. In 2015, wildfires burned a record-breaking 10.1 million acres across the U.S., according to High Country News….