Mi vida junto al río… Desde que me mudé de Argentina a Gypsum,hace casi 24 años, he vivido junto a los ríos Eagle y Colorado. He tenido la dicha de disfrutar lo que este paraíso ofrece a todo aquel que desee observar la naturaleza y su belleza. Con los años, mi…
Eagle River Watershed Council Announces Peak Flow Prediction Contest Winners Jacque Stevenson, of Avon, is the grand prize winner of the 2021 Peak Flow Prediction Contest. Congrats Jacque! Eagle River Watershed Council is thrilled to announce the winners of its third annual Peak Flow Prediction Contest. The contest is a…
Eagle Valley Land Trust and Eagle River Watershed Council wish to thank all Land & Rivers Fund participating businesses and customers as 2021 ramps up. Despite a year of uncertainty, the program continued to grow in 2020 — success which wouldn’t be possible without the belief in the importance of…
Eagle River Fund Manager Eagle River Watershed Council serves the Eagle River valley with offices in Gypsum, Colorado Eagle River Watershed Council is creating a water fund for the Eagle River, called the Eagle River Fund. The Nature Conservancy describes water funds as organizations that “design and enhance financial and…
I’ve always loved Eagle County’s rivers; the smell, the wildlife, the adventure, wild in the spring and tranquil in the fall. I’ve been a kayaker and done some fly fishing, but mostly use the rivers as a rafter these days, on the Eagle and Gore Creek when running and the…