Eagle River Watershed Council is thrilled to announce the winners of its fifth Peak Flow Prediction Contest. The contest is an annual fundraiser for stream restoration and monitoring projects, as well as engaging educational programs. River enthusiasts from across the nation participated in the contest, which was virtual and closed on April 21, 2023.
Contest participants entered to win amazing prizes donated by nationally-known recreation brands, including Down River Equipment, Fishpond, Vail Resorts, YETI and Rancho del Rio for purchasing guesses of the date and time of the Eagle River’s peak flow at the Gypsum gage.
According to the USGS website, Eagle River peaked at the Gypsum gage on June 9 at 8:15 am, when its flow topped out at 3,010 cfs. With a guess of June 9 at 10 am, Karen Grangaard, of Waconia, Minnesota, had the closest guess. She will receive a 4” barrel pump and throw bag package from Down River Equipment.
Additional winners include Cricket Pylman, whose guess was 3 hours and 15 minutes away from the peak flow event; Ryan Neville, and Rosie Casey.
Thank you to all who participated in and supported the 2023 Peak Flow Prediction Contest.
The Eagle River Watershed Council has a mission to advocate for the health of the Upper Colorado and Eagle River basins through research, education and projects. Learn more and get involved at erwc.org.