Project Description:
Eagle River Coalition and Town of Vail are seeking volunteers to help restore riparian habitat by planting native trees and shrubs along Gore Creek Thursday, July 18, from 9am – 12pm.
Gore Creek has been listed as a 303(d) impaired waterway for low aquatic life since 2012. Gore Creek’s impairment is due in part to a loss of riparian, or streamside, vegetation along its banks.
Riparian vegetation is necessary to stabilize streambanks, shade waterways, supply nutrients essential to aquatic life, and filter pollutants in surface and groundwater.
How to Volunteer:
Please register using the link below by Wednesday, July 17. Volunteers should be at least 10 years of age. You will be asked to complete a waiver at the time of registration. Details (where to meet, other day-of logistics, etc.) will be sent to the email address you provide.
What to bring: