Riverwalk at Edwards Restoration Project
The Eagle River Coalition (ERC) is requesting proposals from qualified consultants for environmental and engineering planning and design for a stream bank erosion stabilization and restoration project at the Riverwalk in Edwards, CO. This project aims to mitigate overly steepened banks caused by excessive erosion while restoring/supporting the ecological health of the surrounding area and providing sustainable river access. The selected contractor will be responsible for the following aspects of the project; data collection, design, permitting, some construction oversight, and developing a monitoring plan.
Homestake Aquatic Organism Passage & Stream Crossing Project
The Eagle River Coalition (ERC) is requesting proposals from qualified consultants for environmental and engineering planning and design for stream crossings & Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) Structures in the Homestake Valley area within the White River National Forest near Red Cliff, CO. This project aims to replace failing stream passage structures and to expand fish passage to cold water fisheries through the installation of AOP structures while supporting the ecological health of the surrounding area and maintaining sustainable OHV traffic. The selected contractor will be responsible for the following aspects of the project; data collection, design, permitting, and some construction oversight.
Proposals must be submitted as one, single electronic file (PDF) via email to Peder Franson at franson@eagleriverco.org.
Background of the Eagle River Coalition
Eagle River Coalition (Formerly Eagle River Watershed Council) has a mission to advocate for the health of the Upper Colorado and Eagle River basins through research, projects, and education. The Coalition strives to protect and enhance the high-quality natural, scenic, and economic values that our rivers and tributaries provide to the citizens, visitors, and wildlife of the Eagle River and Colorado River watersheds located in Eagle County.
Our organization has been working to achieve our mission since 1992, and has direct ties to the Eagle River Environmental Business Alliance which sought to improve water quality and river experiences following the Eagle Mine Spill in the late 1980s. Since then, we have achieved measurable progress in water quality throughout the watershed and grown as an organization to better serve our community.
Contents of Proposals
Responses to the RFP should include a description of the following:
- Understanding the Work. Demonstrate an understanding of the work and present an overall summary of what the Consultant determines is necessary to accomplish the goals of the project
- Project Approach. Description of how the firm plans to complete these services (i.e. the approach), including any recommended changes or additions to the Scope of Services. Provide any proposed strategies based on additional insight, capabilities, or perspectives of the Consultant. Clearly describe how the proposed Project Approach meets the goals of the project.
- Project Team. Propose a project team including Consultant staff and sub-consultant(s). Include resumes for individuals from all associated consultant(s) and any additional sub-consultants. The resumes should emphasize recent experience of the project team and should include the following information:
- Geographic location of the office to which the individual is normally assigned
- Proposed responsibility and function on the team
- Estimated percent of time and duration assigned to this project
- Background, relevant experience, and education
- Anticipated Schedule. The work is anticipated to start as soon as possible. Though we will have a preferred schedule for task completion, we will consider adjusting this timeline, per the recommendation of the project partners and Consultant. To this end, we request that the Consultant submit a project schedule for consideration illustrating when each task will be accomplished.
- Estimated Costs. Although the selection of a consultant will not be wholly based on cost, an estimate of costs for each task in the Consultant’s Scope of Work must be included. This cost estimate, at minimum, shows the hourly rate of all team members, the estimated hours by task for each member, sub-consultants costs by task, and other direct costs including proposed markups.
- Consultant Qualifications. This section of the proposal should summarize the recent experience of the Consultant in performing related work. A maximum of five projects, completed within the last five years, may be included. For each related project, please include the following information:
- Name of client
- Name and current contact information of primary client contact.
- Date pertinent work was completed.
- Specific role of the firm on this project.
- Initial Consultant contract amount and initial completion date.
- Final Consultant contract amount and final completion date.
- Involvement of staff proposed for Eagle River Coalition’s project.
Note: Information on projects completed by the firm that did not actively involve members of the proposed project team should be minimized. The above clients will be considered references by Eagle River Coalition that may be checked for finalists of this project.
- Project Management Plan. The Consultant shall provide a brief project management plan for the work. The plan shall demonstrate the following:
- Scope, progress measurement, and reporting
- Schedule measurement and reporting
- Staff and sub-consultant team management
Selection Procedure
Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by Eagle River Coalition staff and board. This will be a selection process designated to identify the “best fit’ of Eagle River Coalition and the Consultant, taking into consideration a variety of criteria including, but not limited to, the following:
- Qualifications and experience (1 – 25 points)
- Project team (1 – 10 points)
- Project approach (1 – 20 points)
- Ability to meet project schedule (1 – 5 points)
- Past project references (references may be contacted during the review process) (1 – 10 points)
- Quality of proposal (1 – 10 points)
- Consultant fee (1 – 10 points)