Tamarisk Mitigation Project to Take Place Mid-May
The tamarisk is an aggressive invasive plant that out-competes native vegetation, contributing to a number of negative impacts to riparian ecosystems. Consuming a large quantity of water annually and spreading viciously, tamarisk plants choke out native vegetation, affect resource availability, create a largely unproductive monoculture, and lead to increased wildfire risk, as well as river access challenges for wildlife.
At the upper elevation boundary of where this invasive vegetation is typically found, a grove of tamarisk will be the focus of a large mitigation effort to be coordinated by Eagle River Watershed Council and collaborators, including the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Eagle County. The effort, which will take place on Friday, May 21, and Saturday, May 22, will include the removal and treatment of tamarisk to cease upstream spread.
The project, which is located near the confluence of the two rivers, will be accessed by boat and will include two full days of moderate labor. Tools and training will be provided by experts. Due to the equipment and chemical use, volunteering is restricted to adults, and registration is necessary. Food and drinks will be provided for volunteers.
Please email Kate Isaacson, Eagle River Watershed Council Projects Manager, at isaacson@erwc.org to learn more about getting involved.