Turf grass is the largest irrigated crop in the United States.
Each year, the amount of water used in America to irrigate grass could fill both Lake Powell and Lake Mead.
80% of outdoor water consumption is lost to runoff, soil absorption and evaporation.
Our Landscaping is Part of our Ecosystem
The Beyond Lawn program fosters water resiliency in Eagle County communities through education and cost-effective programs focusing on water efficiency and stormwater quality.
By helping to improve our communities water efficiency and storm water quality, we can ensure our rivers stay clean and flowing for years to come.
Why Save Water?
40 Million People
The Colorado River and its tributaries, including the Eagle River, provide drinking water for 40 million people.
$1.4 Trillion
Between river recreation, angling, drinking water, crop irrigation and tourism Colorado’s waterways support its $1.4 trillion economy.
25% by 2050
Colorado River flows are 20% lower than they were a century ago and are predicted to drop another 25% by 2050.