Gary Brooks
Board member
1. What was your favorite ERC volunteer moment this year? My favorite volunteer event was the Community Pride Highway Cleanup because it is so well attended by our corps of volunteers, and it makes a huge difference visually for both locals and visitors alike and it is an area that needs to cleaned annually to keep all of that trash from working it’s way into the storm drains and into our streams and rivers.
2. What’s the best part of volunteering locally? The best part of volunteering locally is that we’re able to meet many like-minded people and it never ceases to amaze me what a great community we have here in the Eagle River Valley.
3. What’s your favorite spot in the watershed? While it is difficult to pick my single favorite spot within the watershed, I’d have to say it’s a spot on the Colorado River where I caught a 27″ brown trout a couple of years back. The location to remain a closely kept secret, but just knowing there are trout that large in the river fills me with joy that our riparian ecosystem is healthy enough to support that type of biota.
Tim Ivancich
1. What was your favorite ERC volunteer moment this year? My favorite ERC event was the Eagle River Cleanup. Not only do I enjoy being in and on the river, but picking up waste on the river grows a stronger connection to nature and makes me feel that I am contributing to the health of our watershed.
2. What’s the best part of volunteering locally? Volunteering locally really allows me to feel a part of the community and meet new friends! As well as beautifying the Eagle River Valley!
3. What’s your favorite spot in the watershed? My favorite spot in the watershed… does Pete’s Stache count? 🙂
Volunteers play an integral role in protecting and preserving our local watersheds!
Many volunteers help on an occasional basis, while others help out more regularly; we’re happy to have you along whenever it works for you! No matter why or how you choose to join the Eagle River Coalition’s community of volunteers, you make a difference. Our network of more than 1,200 river-lovers are enacting their values and bringing to life the vision of healthy waterways.
Each year, we host a variety of engaging and enriching volunteer activities throughout the Eagle and Colorado watersheds. Join us to plant native species at priority locations along the river, remove invasive plants, improve instream conditions, and more. No tools or prior experience are necessary!
To check out our current projects, visit our event page.
Have questions? Please email for more information.
Annual River and Highway Cleanups
We love hearing from folks who are interested in joining a cleanup team! Email to be added to the list, and check out our events calendar to find out more about these awesome community-oriented annual events.