You can donate your car — why not your water rights too?


You can see the original posting of this article in the Vail Daily here. Use it or lose it. That is a mantra some may know well here in Colorado, as it pertains to those holding water rights. With water rights, “use it or lose it” refers to the right-holder’s…

Birds Love Water

Sharon Milligan/Audubon Photography Awards

This post was originally posted by the Vail Daily. See the original posting here.  February is National Embroidery Month — did you know? It’s also National Hot Breakfast Month and Black History Month. Observed annually on Feb. 14 is the well-known Valentine’s Day, and February 17 is National Cabbage Day….

Collaboration is Key for Water Solutions

Increasingly, water in Colorado (and around the West, for that matter) is becoming a fierce battleground with distinct lines drawn in the sand. We see environmentalists and recreationists squaring off against water suppliers; farmers duking it out with so-called “water grabbers”; and, unfortunately, the Front Range pitted against the Western…

Cloud seeding works, but won’t solve water woes

In the arid West, the perpetual search for new water supplies, like the mythical search for the Holy Grail, has given rise to numerous fantastical adventures and grand schemes. Some of these have resulted in the impressive feats of engineering that have re-plumbed much of the Colorado River Basin, and…

Plans and projects help us move toward healthier rivers

I’ve always loved Eagle County’s rivers; the smell, the wildlife, the adventure, wild in the spring and tranquil in the fall. I’ve been a kayaker and done some fly fishing, but mostly use the rivers as a rafter these days, on the Eagle and Gore Creek when running and the…