Upcoming Events

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2025 Peak Flow Prediction Contest

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In 2025, you can purchase your Peak Flow Prediction Contest tickets in a variety of ways. Buy just one for $20, purchase 3 for $50, or buy the Eagle Ticket to attend this year’s Wild & Scenic Film Festival, and your ticket will come with 3 free Peak Flow Prediction…

10th Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival

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You are invited to join the Eagle River Coalition for the 10th Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival! This is your best opportunity this spring to learn, connect, and take action to help Eagle River Coalition continue to protect local rivers!

Water Lawn in a Nutshell

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Join Eagle River Coalition and Mr. Aaron Clay for Water Law in a Nutshell taking place on April 23. This seminar will cover all aspects of the law related to water rights and ditch rights as applied in Colorado. Subject matter includes the appropriation, perfection, use, limitations, attributes, abandonment and…

2025 Community Pride Highway Cleanup

  Eagle River Coalition is excited to share that its 25th Annual Community Highway Pride Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday May 3, 2025. Every year, hundreds of dedicated volunteers participate in the county-wide Community Pride Highway Cleanup. From its inception in the early 2000’s, in which nearly 50 tons of…

2025 Eagle River Cleanup

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The 31st Annual Eagle River Cleanup will take place September 6, 2025. Every year, hundreds of dedicated volunteers tackle the public banks of the Eagle River in teams. We rely on each team leader to serve as the point-person for each section of river. Among others, the roles of team…