The Eagle River Coalition initiated the Eagle River Community Water Plan to develop proactive water management recommendations that anticipate changes to local hydrology and water demand.
The Eagle River Community Water Plan (CWP) considers past, present, and future human needs and river health issues to identify opportunities to correct historical degradation and prevent and mitigate against non-desirable future conditions for environmental and recreational water uses.
The plan seeks to understand the independent and interactive impacts of population growth, water use, reservoir development, and climate change (air temperature and precipitation patterns) on human and ecosystem water needs.
It is intended as a guide to help current and future leaders make conservative, low-regrets decisions that provide water security to our communities while sustaining the productive, healthy, and beautiful river ecosystems that provide local communities with a critical natural resource, provide a recreational amenity to residents and visitors, add to the beauty of local viewscapes, and support vibrant local economies.
Click here to visit the interactive plan website, download a PDF of the plan or view the technical appendices.
In the fall of 2017, the Eagle River Coalition partnered with River Network to begin engaging stakeholders and to build support for an integrated watershed management plan. With funding from Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) and others, Eagle River Coalition partnered with Peak Facilitation (stakeholder process consultant) and Lotic Hydrological (technical consultant) to work with stakeholders to further refine the scope of work.
Key stakeholders involved in the Eagle River Community Water Plan include major water rights owners, environmental interest groups, recreational user groups, agricultural user groups (through the local conservation district), local government and state/federal agencies.
The Eagle River Community Water Plan process was initiated to develop proactive water management recommendations that anticipate changes to local hydrology and water demand.
There is an extensive history of planning, data collection and analysis in the watershed. Published work includes (but is not limited to):
We welcome your questions or comments regarding the Community Water Plan. Please submit via email to